She's a Gem - Jennifer!

She's a Gem - Jennifer!

I had the pleasure of getting to know Jennifer earlier this Spring at the New York Botanical Garden Orchid Gala in Manhattan. We sat next to delicious plates of untouched food, while locked into effortless, nonstop conversation about womanhood, motherhood and 'workhood.' It was so refreshing to speak with someone so accomplished who was authentic, open and warm. Jennifer is a powerful woman who seems to have found a comfortable and serene balance between her work and home lives. She spoke adoringly of her children and her devotion to their endeavors and interests. We laughed at how we both feel like Uber drivers on the weekend, racing between our kid's activities. She spoke humbly and confidently of her professional accomplishments, having risen in the ranks at Hearst working her way from Associate Publisher up to VP/Group Publishing Director and Chief Revenue Officer over the last 12 years. Jennifer is a wonderfully empowered woman whose strength is wielded with kindness. Cheers to fellow strong women - may we be them and may we raise them! 


Share something you learned from your mother and something you learned from your daughter:

From my Mother I’ve learned the importance of self-awareness, and that we as women choose who we want to be. From my daughter I’ve learned how empowering it is to remain calm under stressful situations, and to rise to the occasion. From BOTH my Mother and daughter, I’ve learned how attractive it is to always stay true to who you are.


If you were a gemstone - what would you be and why? What are your facets?

Aquamarine. Blue is my power color, all shades. I would align myself with an Aquamarine mostly because it’s soothing, cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. It’s also considered a stone of eternal youth and happiness.


I am happiest when I am…

exercising. It’s visceral, it’s chemical. It comforts me, it empowers me.


Where is home to you?

Home for me is in Northern NJ, in my mountain house overlooking our lake club. But really, home for me is wherever in the world I am with my kids, Julia and Caleb.


Modus operandi - what is your M.O.? Something you do every day, unfailingly?

The very first thing I do every single day when I wake is a 2-1/2 minute plank. 


What is your Spirit Animal…or Alter Ego? 

English Bulldog.


Image via CertaPet


Biggest lesson learned in the past 2 years?

Have tolerance and patience when dealing with aging parents. Someone once told me to ‘meet him where he is’ when I was talking through differences in opinion on a topic between my 88 year old Dad and me. I think about this so often.


What do you wish you had more of?

Time. Time. Time!


What’s on your bedside table?

A cup of tea with honey and lemon (at night), hand lotion and lip balm. And of course, a Hearst magazine or two.


Image via theFashionSpot

I feel powerful when I…

guide others to push themselves beyond their comfort zone, and crash through glass ceilings with humility and grace.


Favorite dessert?

Ice cream with REAL hot fudge.


Fictional soirée - what 3 guests would you invite to your party, dead or alive?

(1) Helen Gurley Brown—She was a pioneering editor with a mind for business. (2) Gloria Steinem—I just met her for the first time as she was celebrating her 85th birthday. Her book Revolution from Within made a huge impression on me early on in life. (3) Michelle Obama—She’s extraordinary on so many levels, but largely because of where she comes from, and what she stands for today.  


What do you want to tell other women?

Surround yourself with people who make a difference. And remember that tenacity and gratitude get you where you need to be.


What’s your favorite joke?

Thanks for coming in today. (I guess you have to be there...)


What cause/philanthropy are you passionate about?

Alzheimer’s and breast cancer. Specific to the latter, every year my daughter and I fundraise for the BCRF and participate in a 3 mile paddle board race (PADDLE FOR PINK) in the Hamptons in support of the organization.


Image via Hearst


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